Hitech is India's leading manufacturer of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Blocks: an amazingly Innovative and Green Building Material. What makes it superior is its incredible lightweight and insulation properties. About 1/3rd the density of clay brick, can be laid much quicker, saving time and building costs. Being more resilient to damage helps reduce wastage during transportation. These blocks offer effective & practical solutions for the current building regulations and are manufactured using the latest technologies at India's most advanced AAC facilities located in NH 48, Valsad, Gujarat . Construction using Hitech AAC Blocks boosts up the project by ensuring at least 6-7 LEED Green Building Certification Points.

Key Features and Advantages

Blocks are indispensable in construction, offering a myriad of key features and benefits that enhance their utility.

1) superior acoustic insulation 2) Reduced structural cost 3) 100% termite and & mold resistant 4) Enegry Saving upto 15%-20% 5) State of art German Technology

1) Resource Efficiency 2) Indoor Air Quality 3) Energy Efficiency 4) Material Efficiency 5) Water Conservation 5) Affordable For More Details Read Here

Hitech, a leading name in the Indian Building Material Solutions Industrial, is a part of the renowned hitech groups, which is a 1000 cr. business conglperate. hitech group compromises a portfolio of eco-friendly products that are the result of cutting edge technology aimed at offering customers a wide range of world class products.

Paramter Autoclaved AERated Concrete Cellular Light Weight Concrete
Density(kg/cm) 551-650 Kg/m³ x800-1000
Compressive strength (N/mm2) Minimum of 4 x1.5-2.5
Dimensional Characteristics Dimensionally Accurate xDimensional Variations
Curring Autoclaving(steam) xNormal
Pore Size and Distribution Small and Distributed xLarge
Pore Size and Distribution Small and Distributed xLarge
Drying Shrinkage Within IS Limit xNo Consistency

2 reviews for “ACC Blocks”

  • Sachin Prajapati
    Feb 05, 2022 10:12 pm

    HiTech aerocon AAC blocks is india's leading manufacturer of autoclaved aerated concrete blocks an amazingly innovative and green building material. must suggested.

  • Hiren Jain
    Nov 08, 2022 11:17 AM

    HiTech has provided best price for acc blocks, it was nice to work with them.

1. Energy saving and eco-friendly; helps reduce carbon fot print. Manufactured from recycled material with zero wastage -Quicken up construction by up to 30%

2. Dimensionally accurate & easy workability. Factory finished with superb surface finish; easily accepts renders & plasters Use of standard tools to cut, saw, chisel, drill & shape

3. Unmatched Properties. Super Lightweight; 1/3rd the density of clay bricks Non-combustible with superior fire resistance Exceptional Thermal & Acoustic Insulation No cavity construction; eliminates termites, rodents pests & fungal growth

4. Guaranteed Savings*. Reduces foundation load of the building up to 30% Reduces Power Consumption by 27% Steel & Cement Savings by 18% & 12% respectively

Request a quote for our Premium Blocks and EcoMix Ready-Mix Plaster.